Three years ago today my son, Brian William, was born. My water broke at 23wks3d. Way too early... They tried so hard to stop me from going into labor. But at 8:15 a.m. on December 29, 2005 Brian was born. He weighed 1lbs7oz. They didn't think he would survive the birth. He proved them wrong. He came out crying and peeing all over the place. We knew he was really sick. He lived for 14 hours...
My dear little boy,
We can't believe it's been 3 years since you left us... There isn't a day that goes by that we don't think of you. I know you are up in heaven with your sister looking out for Charlotte and Maggie. And I know you guys sent them to us. You will never know how important your short life is to us. We love you so much!!
Mommy, Papa, Charlotte and Maggie
I also want to remember my friend Beth daughters, Abby and Morgan who's angelversary was December 24th. Thinking of you Beth and your beautiful angels. Big ((HUGS)) to you and Michael...
Monday, December 29, 2008
Friday, December 26, 2008
3 years ago today...
My MIL passed away. I have been thinking about her so much lately. She would of enjoyed Christmas so much this year. Watching all the grandchildren running around. I hope she know just how much she was loved. She was the best MIL any person could have. She always made me feel so special. I miss her so much. Everytime I look at Maggie I can see Sandy in her eyes... We love you Sandy and miss you so very much...

Monday, December 22, 2008
Merry Christmas everyone!!
So I know Christmas is in 3 days but I have soooo much to do that I probably won't be on the computer that much. I haven't wrapped one gift, my house is a mess and the laundry is piling up!! But I wanted to take this opportunity to say Merry Christmas to all of you. I hope you have a wonderful holiday. I want to thank you all for your support over the past year. It means the world to me!! I will try and post some pictures from Christmas morning this weekend!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Two posts in one day and Happy Birthday to....
ME!! Yup it's my birthday today. I am 34... I feel really old. When I was younger I never could imagine being in my 30's. And here I sit at 34. I like to think that I am like wine. I get better as I age;) Not doing much today. It's snowing. We probably got about 6 inches. I am having one of my favorite meals tonight... Taco salad. I am still in my jammies but it's that kind of day. It's cold and snowy... But enough about me...
So what's new with the girls... Maggie loves her Christmas tree. She walks around saying "tree" all day. She loves her baba (which is baby). She loves animals. Especially cows and birds. She doesn't like to take naps. She usually cries when I put her down. She is also cutting her one year molars. Charlotte babbles a lot. She says ball, mama and uppa (Papa). She loves playing with balls. We got them a ball pit for Christmas. She will be in heaven. She finally has her 4 top teeth. They took forever to come in. She loves her Wiggles. She loves to dance. They really crack me up!! Here are some pictures too!!

So what's new with the girls... Maggie loves her Christmas tree. She walks around saying "tree" all day. She loves her baba (which is baby). She loves animals. Especially cows and birds. She doesn't like to take naps. She usually cries when I put her down. She is also cutting her one year molars. Charlotte babbles a lot. She says ball, mama and uppa (Papa). She loves playing with balls. We got them a ball pit for Christmas. She will be in heaven. She finally has her 4 top teeth. They took forever to come in. She loves her Wiggles. She loves to dance. They really crack me up!! Here are some pictures too!!
Photo tag
I saw this on some blogs that I read and I thought it was fun!! I will have 2 pictures thought cause I have 2 cameras...
1) Choose the 4th folder where you store your pictures on your computer
2) Select the 4th picture in the folder
3) Explain the picture
4) Tag 4 people to do the same
NO CHEATING! (cropping, editing, etc!)

The first picture is Maggie after trying a Popsicle. The second one the girls were about 5 months old and I was just taking some pictures of them!
1) Choose the 4th folder where you store your pictures on your computer
2) Select the 4th picture in the folder
3) Explain the picture
4) Tag 4 people to do the same
NO CHEATING! (cropping, editing, etc!)
The first picture is Maggie after trying a Popsicle. The second one the girls were about 5 months old and I was just taking some pictures of them!
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Hope this works....
Check this out!
I really hope this works...It does!! I hope you like it... Makes me laugh everytime I watch it... Also check out this one. She gave me the idea to do this!! So thank you Meghan (I hope that's how you spell your name) for this funny idea:)
I really hope this works...It does!! I hope you like it... Makes me laugh everytime I watch it... Also check out this one. She gave me the idea to do this!! So thank you Meghan (I hope that's how you spell your name) for this funny idea:)
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
New header...
So do you like my new header?? Katie made it for me. But she made me 2 others. I was hoping maybe you (my loyal readers) could help me choose which one I should use. Here are your choices..

Plus the one that I am already using... So let me know what you think!! Oh and here are some pictures of the girls...

Plus the one that I am already using... So let me know what you think!! Oh and here are some pictures of the girls...
Monday, December 1, 2008
Thanksgiving, our Christmas tree and taking pictures for the Christmas card!
We had a really great Thanksgiving! We went to Tammy's for dinner. Everything was so yummy!! The girls ate all kinds of good food! We really had a good time.

This weekend we put up our Christmas tree! When we first brought it in Maggie freaked out! She was crying and yelling... But once she saw the lights she was very interested. Brian put the lights on and then we decorated it once the girls went to bed. It's really nice. It's the perfect size. Now I just need to keep them away from it. Yeah right...

I took pictures today in hopes of getting some good shots for the Christmas card. It is very hard to get 2 one year olds to look at me, smile and sit still. I will share some of the shots I did get. But I won't tell you what the card looks like! I am really excited about them though. I have found a new website that I love. Shutterfly!! It's really cool and very easy to use. I have figure out (thanks to auntie Bella) that I can take black and white and that unique looking pictures with my camera. I have been having fun with that!!
Oh and I went shopping on black Friday!! Let me just say the girls are getting too many toys. I just can't help myself... I went with my mom and we had so much fun. So many years I dreamt of what it would be like to have kids to buy for. And after we lost Brian and Lillian I wasn't sure if that would ever happen... I think that's half my problem. I think I overcompensate for my loss. I don't ever want Charlotte and Maggie to want for anything. I know that probably sounds really bad but I can't help it. I will never be able to buy a toy for Brian and Lillian... So I will just have to buy them for the girls... Doesn't make sense I know but that's just the way it is... I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving!!

This weekend we put up our Christmas tree! When we first brought it in Maggie freaked out! She was crying and yelling... But once she saw the lights she was very interested. Brian put the lights on and then we decorated it once the girls went to bed. It's really nice. It's the perfect size. Now I just need to keep them away from it. Yeah right...
I took pictures today in hopes of getting some good shots for the Christmas card. It is very hard to get 2 one year olds to look at me, smile and sit still. I will share some of the shots I did get. But I won't tell you what the card looks like! I am really excited about them though. I have found a new website that I love. Shutterfly!! It's really cool and very easy to use. I have figure out (thanks to auntie Bella) that I can take black and white and that unique looking pictures with my camera. I have been having fun with that!!
Oh and I went shopping on black Friday!! Let me just say the girls are getting too many toys. I just can't help myself... I went with my mom and we had so much fun. So many years I dreamt of what it would be like to have kids to buy for. And after we lost Brian and Lillian I wasn't sure if that would ever happen... I think that's half my problem. I think I overcompensate for my loss. I don't ever want Charlotte and Maggie to want for anything. I know that probably sounds really bad but I can't help it. I will never be able to buy a toy for Brian and Lillian... So I will just have to buy them for the girls... Doesn't make sense I know but that's just the way it is... I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving!!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Snack time with Bert...
Yesterday the girls and I went to visit Auntie Holly, Bert and baby Grace. We had such a good time! He is so cute!! And I love how well the 3 of them play together. So at one point Bert got a hold of some snacks I brought with us. He decided to share with the girls... Here's some video of that...
Aren't they cute? I love how Bert would take them back and one of the girls would grab them from him... It's so much fun going to visit someone who has little ones. I don't have to pack any toys with me. I know they won't mind diapers in their trash. And they are used to having toys all over the floor. It's pretty amazing how much of a mess 3 one year olds can make!! Here are some pictures from yesterday...

I am really looking forward to Thanksgiving this year! Should be lots of fun! Then I am going to brave the crowds and go shopping Friday morning!! I can't wait!
Aren't they cute? I love how Bert would take them back and one of the girls would grab them from him... It's so much fun going to visit someone who has little ones. I don't have to pack any toys with me. I know they won't mind diapers in their trash. And they are used to having toys all over the floor. It's pretty amazing how much of a mess 3 one year olds can make!! Here are some pictures from yesterday...
I am really looking forward to Thanksgiving this year! Should be lots of fun! Then I am going to brave the crowds and go shopping Friday morning!! I can't wait!
Friday, November 21, 2008
Do you like the new look?
I know it's not even Thanksgiving yet but I saw this background and I love it!! So do you like it? I wish I was creative enough to make a fancy header.... But I have a hard time with scrapblog. Maybe I will try this afternoon. I don't have any new pictures... I am a bad mommy I know... Michelle's mom came last weekend and took a ton of pix of the girls for me. As soon as I get those I will post them.
Also I want to wish a Happy Birthday to my friend Carrie's little boy Nolan. His birthday was yesterday... So this really should be a happy belated birthday... Actually now that I think of it there are a couple other people to say happy birthday to! My nephew David turned 21 on the 3rd, Michelle's b-day was the 6th (I won't say how old you are though) and my friend Beth's b-day was the 10th. So happy birthday to all of you!!
Also I want to wish a Happy Birthday to my friend Carrie's little boy Nolan. His birthday was yesterday... So this really should be a happy belated birthday... Actually now that I think of it there are a couple other people to say happy birthday to! My nephew David turned 21 on the 3rd, Michelle's b-day was the 6th (I won't say how old you are though) and my friend Beth's b-day was the 10th. So happy birthday to all of you!!
Friday, November 14, 2008
Chocolate pudding...
The girls love pudding. So tonight I gave them chocolate pudding with their dinner. Here's some video of Charlotte. I am not the worlds best camera person so bare with me... I will include some pictures too!! No video :( There was an error with blogger... I will try again tomorrow. So for now enjoy some pictures!!

I was tagged!!
I have never been tagged before!! Lets see if I can do this right...
1. Link to the person who tagged you. - Justakidatheart
2. Share 7 random and/or weird facts about you. - see below
3. Tag 7 random people at the end, and include links to their blogs.
Pink-CJ, Annie, Beth, Sara, Amanda, Katie, Holly
4. Let each person know they’ve been tagged by leaving a comment on their blogs.
Now the facts... I am sure some of you will know some of this stuff...
1) I took dance lessons. Tap and ballet. I loved tap dancing. I started when I was 3 almost 4 and danced till I was in the 8th grade. I was dancing in the recital and forgot the steps... Ran off stage crying... It was really bad. Then was I was 15 my BFF Michelle asked me if I would be interested in doing a semi-private dance with her. We had so much fun!! I stopped dancing when I was 18.
2) I am named after 3 of my aunts. My name:Deborah Pamelyn. My aunts: Debbie, Pammy and Lynn.
3) I don't think this is any big secret but I LOVE Disney World!! Everything about it. I can't wait to go back. I always cry when we get there and when we leave. It truly is the happiest place on earth.
4) I only gained 8 pounds while I was pregnant. Don't know how I managed that one. Then managed to lose 33 after having them only to gain it back. Oh well...
5) Don't mean to be a downer but I am not sure how many of you know that my angel baby Lillian was actually the New Year's baby for the state of Maine in '06. She missed being the first born in the country by like 20 mins...
6) My first "real" kiss was when I was 12. I my friend Mel's bathroom. His name was Derrick Martin. I wonder where he is now??
7) I am obsessed with the number 3. It's not as bad as it used to be but I am always taking numbers I see (license plate numbers, phone numbers, birthdays..) and dividing it by 3. I have a bit of OCD!!
1. Link to the person who tagged you. - Justakidatheart
2. Share 7 random and/or weird facts about you. - see below
3. Tag 7 random people at the end, and include links to their blogs.
Pink-CJ, Annie, Beth, Sara, Amanda, Katie, Holly
4. Let each person know they’ve been tagged by leaving a comment on their blogs.
Now the facts... I am sure some of you will know some of this stuff...
1) I took dance lessons. Tap and ballet. I loved tap dancing. I started when I was 3 almost 4 and danced till I was in the 8th grade. I was dancing in the recital and forgot the steps... Ran off stage crying... It was really bad. Then was I was 15 my BFF Michelle asked me if I would be interested in doing a semi-private dance with her. We had so much fun!! I stopped dancing when I was 18.
2) I am named after 3 of my aunts. My name:Deborah Pamelyn. My aunts: Debbie, Pammy and Lynn.
3) I don't think this is any big secret but I LOVE Disney World!! Everything about it. I can't wait to go back. I always cry when we get there and when we leave. It truly is the happiest place on earth.
4) I only gained 8 pounds while I was pregnant. Don't know how I managed that one. Then managed to lose 33 after having them only to gain it back. Oh well...
5) Don't mean to be a downer but I am not sure how many of you know that my angel baby Lillian was actually the New Year's baby for the state of Maine in '06. She missed being the first born in the country by like 20 mins...
6) My first "real" kiss was when I was 12. I my friend Mel's bathroom. His name was Derrick Martin. I wonder where he is now??
7) I am obsessed with the number 3. It's not as bad as it used to be but I am always taking numbers I see (license plate numbers, phone numbers, birthdays..) and dividing it by 3. I have a bit of OCD!!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Baby Grace and new video...
I finally got up to the hospital to see Holly and baby Grace. She is so beautiful. Seeing her face just made my day. And Holly is doing really well. Now that I figured out the whole video thing and I addicted. These girls crack me up so bad. You will see one video of Maggie dancing to the Wiggles. The other one (you will hear me laughing) is just of them cruising around. I think I forgot to mention that Maggie is walking now. She's so cute. She is so proud of herself. So here are some pix of baby Grace and some video of the monkeys!! Enjoy:)

Monday, November 3, 2008
Peek A Boo!
I was sitting at the dining room table and Maggie was playing under it. I looked down and this is what she was doing...
I know I am biased but man she is sooo cute!!
I know I am biased but man she is sooo cute!!
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Baby Grace is on her way!!
My niece Holly is in the hospital about to have her baby!! So please keep them both in your prayers!! I will update as soon as I know all the info!! We are sooo excited!
*UPDATE!! Grace Olivia Louise Fogg was born at 11:13am. She weighed 7lbs3oz. Not sure how long. Baby and mom are doing great!! Hopefully I will get into the hospital to take some pictures!! Congrats Holly and Robbie! We love you guys soo much!
*UPDATE!! Grace Olivia Louise Fogg was born at 11:13am. She weighed 7lbs3oz. Not sure how long. Baby and mom are doing great!! Hopefully I will get into the hospital to take some pictures!! Congrats Holly and Robbie! We love you guys soo much!
Friday, October 31, 2008
It worked!!
I have been trying for months to post a video and now it works!! WOO HOO!! Now that I know it works I plan on posting more! This one is just of the girls having some juice the other day...
Chef Boyardee!
Monday, October 27, 2008
Aunt Cin's Halloween Party
This past Saturday was Aunt Cin's annual Halloween party. We had so much fun!! I kinda wish now I would of bought costumes for the girls... But I don't plan on taking them out to trick or treat... Anyways... The girls took really good naps that day so they were in good moods! And we stayed until 9!! That is the latest they have ever been up! It's pretty amazing how much babies change... At last years party they weren't even a month old yet... Now they are walking, crawling, talking, eating real food... It just blows my mind! The food was great. The costumes were great. The company was great... I did get some pictures. I need to get better at this. It seems every time we go somewhere I forget to take pictures!!

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