Maggie has a tooth!! Well it's there but not all the way through yet. I try and look at what's going on and she sticks her tongue out so I can't see... She's a little devil!! I have been working on getting them to sit up on their own. Charlotte does pretty good but Maggie needs some work! She does great if she's sitting on the couch...
It's hard to believe that in 10 days my girls will be 8 months old! Where has the time gone? I feel like I just found out we were pregnant!! And you know the summer will go by fast and then it will be time for their birthday.. Of coarse that also means we will be in Disney:)
Charlotte takes a bite out of reading. Maggie looks cute sitting there on the couch. You are right the 8 months have certainly gone by fass.
These two just get cuter. I can't believe they are 8 months, but then Nolan is 6 months.
I love hearing how much they are doing and how you are enjoying them.
We're starting to plan our trip to WDW for Oct 2009. Hope we can meet up in the Kingdom!
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