Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Blog help!!
Ok... As you can see I have been playing around with my header and template. For all you bloggers out there, how do I get rid of the border around my header? Do I need to stretch out my header?? I am tired tonight... If you could leave a comment and let me know:)!!
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Having fun at the beach??!!
For those of you who read this and live in Maine you know what our summer has been like so far... For those of you that don't let me fill you in. I can sum it up in one word. RAIN!! It has rained for about a month now. At least it feels like it has. I know at one point it had rained 28 out of 32 days. Well yesterday the sun decided to grace us with it's presence. It was a beautiful day. My mom and I decided to take the girls to the beach. They had never been to the beach before. It was interesting. Charlotte LOVED it!! She loved walking in the sand. But most of all she LOVED the water. She was so funny! The waves would come up, soak her and she would just laugh! She was shivering but laughing at the same time!! Maggie on the other hand HATED it!! She wouldn't walk in the sand. She wouldn't touch the water. She flat out hated it... She sat in the stroller and just took it all in. She was happy in the stroller but as soon as I took her out to leave she freaked out! She thought I was going to make her walk in the sand. Hopefully she likes the pool. If she doesn't I don't know what I am going to do!! Here are some pictures from our day...

Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Long time no see huh??
So it's been quite a while since I have posted here huh? It's just been a crazy couple of months... The girls are keeping me busy!! So let me think about everything that has happened since the last time I posted.
We had the girls baptised in April. It was really nice. They did so good. They didn't make a peep during the whole ceremony. Not even when the priest poured the holy water over their heads!! It was a beautiful day! Baby Grace was also baptised that day so it was a meaningful day for our family. We had a big reception after the ceremony. It was so much fun!! The kids ran around and had a blast! It was really a fun day!
Mother's Day was nice. We just spent the day at home hanging out. It's a bitter sweet day for me. I love the girls more than anything in this world but my heart aches for Brian and Lillian. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think of them. But on a day that I celebrate being a mother, it's sad cause 2 of my children aren't here to celebrate with me... They made me a mother first. They will always be my first born...
June was a busy month. Auntie Bella graduated from high school and turned 18!! So we had a weekend to celebrate her!! It was so much fun!! Then it was Father's Day. We also spent that day at home. It's a hard day for Brian too... I went and saw New Kids on the Block again with Holly. We had a blast!! It was so fun to get out and just be us for the night!! We also celebrated cousin Bert's birthday that weekend! Can't believe he's 2! Then we had a sleep over at a hotel to celebrate aunt Cin's birthday. That was sooo much FUN!! It was the first time I spent the night away from home since God knows when... It was a little weird but so much fun!! I have been looking forward to summer since hummm January. And guess what? It has rained for like 3 weeks!! I am not kidding either. In the past like 32 days it was rained 21 of those days. So the poor girls have been stuck inside... But to where you ask?? FLORIDA!! We aren't 100% sure when but probably before Christmas. Brian needs to figure things out with his job. Mainly talk to his boss about it but he thinks it will be fine. We are super excited!! We are so sick of the winters here. We want to live somewhere that the girls can be outside year round. And Maine isn't that place. So I will try to keep you posted.
Now it's July. We celebrated the 4th with our annual party at Tammy's. But it was too cold and cloudy to swim. But it was still a fun day. Now we are just waiting for the sun to come out and it to be warm so we can be outside.
I'm feeling quite emotional today. I don't know if it's because I am watching Michael Jackson's memorial or what but I just want to say how happy I am. My girls and my husband make me happier than I could ever imagine. Maggie and Charlotte bring so much joy and happiness into my life. They make me laugh and drive me completely crazy all at the same time. I can't imagine my life without them. They are sweet, funny, loving, charming... But what I love most is they are mine. They are little me and a little Brian. Brian's blue eyes and my dimples... I love being a mom. There is no better job on earth!!

We had the girls baptised in April. It was really nice. They did so good. They didn't make a peep during the whole ceremony. Not even when the priest poured the holy water over their heads!! It was a beautiful day! Baby Grace was also baptised that day so it was a meaningful day for our family. We had a big reception after the ceremony. It was so much fun!! The kids ran around and had a blast! It was really a fun day!
Mother's Day was nice. We just spent the day at home hanging out. It's a bitter sweet day for me. I love the girls more than anything in this world but my heart aches for Brian and Lillian. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think of them. But on a day that I celebrate being a mother, it's sad cause 2 of my children aren't here to celebrate with me... They made me a mother first. They will always be my first born...
June was a busy month. Auntie Bella graduated from high school and turned 18!! So we had a weekend to celebrate her!! It was so much fun!! Then it was Father's Day. We also spent that day at home. It's a hard day for Brian too... I went and saw New Kids on the Block again with Holly. We had a blast!! It was so fun to get out and just be us for the night!! We also celebrated cousin Bert's birthday that weekend! Can't believe he's 2! Then we had a sleep over at a hotel to celebrate aunt Cin's birthday. That was sooo much FUN!! It was the first time I spent the night away from home since God knows when... It was a little weird but so much fun!! I have been looking forward to summer since hummm January. And guess what? It has rained for like 3 weeks!! I am not kidding either. In the past like 32 days it was rained 21 of those days. So the poor girls have been stuck inside... But to where you ask?? FLORIDA!! We aren't 100% sure when but probably before Christmas. Brian needs to figure things out with his job. Mainly talk to his boss about it but he thinks it will be fine. We are super excited!! We are so sick of the winters here. We want to live somewhere that the girls can be outside year round. And Maine isn't that place. So I will try to keep you posted.
Now it's July. We celebrated the 4th with our annual party at Tammy's. But it was too cold and cloudy to swim. But it was still a fun day. Now we are just waiting for the sun to come out and it to be warm so we can be outside.
I'm feeling quite emotional today. I don't know if it's because I am watching Michael Jackson's memorial or what but I just want to say how happy I am. My girls and my husband make me happier than I could ever imagine. Maggie and Charlotte bring so much joy and happiness into my life. They make me laugh and drive me completely crazy all at the same time. I can't imagine my life without them. They are sweet, funny, loving, charming... But what I love most is they are mine. They are little me and a little Brian. Brian's blue eyes and my dimples... I love being a mom. There is no better job on earth!!
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